Category Archives : Strength Training

What is Strength?

In follow up to the blog I recently wrote which you can access here, on how to produce strength using a single leg squat as an example exercise, I manipulated combinations of height and resistance in order to facilitate a greater range of motion under control. The speed at which you can facilitate an increased […]


How do we produce muscular strength?

I have recently been working towards my UKSCA accreditation, a process that I approached with great trepidation having never truly embraced the whole strength aspect of performance training as the corner stone to any programme. The accreditation process involves understanding periodisation, anatomy & physiology and also proficient techniques and application of Olympic Lifting. During my […]

Should an athlete ever suffer from a sports injury? (Part 2)

How can you prevent an injury occurring? In my previous blog I asked the question; should an athlete ever suffer from a sports injury? I concluded it by saying injuries can occur, through external, uncontrollable influences, but in essence a comprehensive training programme should prepare you for the physical demands you require and can control. […]